Add Kathia Casseus to "Shattered Families" Memorial Credits
How can you help Kathia Casseus, a retarded teenager, be featured among the memorials in the "Shattered Families" movie credits? Kathia was sentenced to serve eight months in a Kansas juvenile facility after going joyriding in her mom's car and having a small accident. Shortly after arriving at the juvenile facility, she was put on birth control, likely to make it safe for guards to rape her. Kathia was allergic to the Ortho Evra birth control patch that Children's Mercy Hospital prescribed for Kathia without her mother's knowledge. When Kathia complained about heart pain and not being able to breathe, no medical care was rendered. Instead, she was dumped in a solitary confinement cell, where she died.
Write Kathia's name in a comment as you make a donation at Indiegogo to help produce the movie by noted psychiatrist and best selling author, Stephen Stephen B Seager. Your name and Kathia's name and her photograph will then appear in the film's credits. Make the world aware of the mass incarceration and avoidable deaths of mentally challenged Americans. Expose and oppose wrongful deaths like Kathia suffered. Details are in this article:
Connect with the fundraiser and read more information at
Please give whatever amount you can. Nothing is too small or too big. The movie is called "Shattered Families: The Collapse of America's Mental Health System."
Please be aware that Senator Bernie Sanders, a U.S. presidential candidate, introduced legislation on September 17, 2015, to eliminate the private prison system in America. Sanders said that his campaign would also focus on ending the War on Drugs, which AIMI members know is actually a war against drug addicts and their families. With mental health professionals like Stephen B. Seager, M.D. and public officials like Senator Sanders and Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18) and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson and their co-sponsors striving to improve justice in America, we may soon arrive at positive change. Wrongful incarceration, prison abuse, and deadly lunacy arrests are the greatest crises that people with mental health challenges face in the USA.
"Shattered Families:
The Collapse of America's Mental Health System"
The Collapse of America's Mental Health System"
"Everything hidden will be revealed" ~Bible
Do hackers at Facebook prevent the post below because:
1) They favor putting teenage girls in juvenile facilities on birth control to be raped by corrections officers?
2) They want to hide the fact that Kathia, 16, died of side effects of Ortho birth control patches, which she was prescribed by Mercy Children's Hospital in Kansas to prevent her pregnancy after repeated rapes?
3) They hate that Stephen B. Seager, M.D., a psychiatrist and best-selling author is producing "Shattered Families," a movie that will expose the mass incarceration and wrongful deaths of mentally ill Americans?
4) They oppose Senator Bernie Sanders' newly introduced bill to eliminate private prisons and jails in America?
5) They oppose H.R.2646, a congressional bill introduced by Rep. Tim Murphy and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson and supported by many co-sponsors to help decriminalize mental illness in the USA?
6) They object to Mary Neal posting news about mentally ill Americans' mass incarceration, prison abuses, and wrongful deaths because such posts bring more attention to the "Wrongful Death of Larry Neal," her mentally, physically disabled brother, who was secretly arrested for 18 days and murdered in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003?
7) They seek to shield The Cochran Firm frauds, who defrauded the Neals to prevent Larry's wrongful death case from being tried in court?
8) They seek to hide the fact that The Cochran Firm has been determined by United States District Court, Central District of California, to have "unclean hands" and has been declared not to be "a law firm"?
9) They hate the fact that Sen. Bernie Sanders announced that he will fight to end the War on Drugs, which is really a war against drug addicts and their families, and they are prison investors?
10) Facebook was reportedly initially funded by the CIA and Vanguard, a prison investment firm?
11) They are Donald Trump supporters and have been ordered to censor news favorable to Sen. Sanders?
12) Or is my censorship at Facebook simply because I am a Black woman who tries to improve justice for the most vulnerable citizens in America, and according to Mike Huckabee, the Dred Scott Decision is still in effect? U.S. Supreme Court Justice Taner pronounced in the "Dred Scott" case that "black people have no rights that white people are bound to honor." Although that decision was supposedly made moot by the 14th Amendment of the USA, Huckabee says it is still the law of the land, which seems to be true, judging by the amount of unrequited murders of Black people under the color of law in America, like Larry Neal and thousands of others.
Sen. Sanders' Justice is Not For Sale Act, co-sponsored by Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ), Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Bobby L. Rush (D-IL), would prohibit the federal government from entering contracts with private prison corporations within two years of the bill’s enactment. Instead, state and local government will be solely responsible for overseeing state and local correctional facilities.
Read the post below that hackers attacked at Facebook, and please give your opinion as to why hackers prevented it from posting at our Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill wall at Facebook.
MaryLovesJustice Neal
Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Director of "Dog Justice for Mentally Ill"
Director of "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
Email Addresses
Phone 678.531.0262
FAMOUS LAST WORDS, presented by
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
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